• R&D


currently under execution

Two flagship projects stand out in our roadmap:



Prometeo project (Hydrogen PROduction by MEans of solar heat and power in high TEmperature Solid Oxide Electrolysers) has set the following objectives:

  • Development of a prototype of an innovative and more efficient electrolysis technology
  • Integration of equipment with renewable heat and power sources in a photovoltaic plant
  • Reduction of renewable hydrogen production costs


This is a consortium project with European partners such as ENEA (leader), SNAM, Nextchem or IMDEA Energía (among others), 100% subsidised within the H2020 call for proposals.


Throughout the project, the design bases of the different elements of the prototype will be established, including electrolysis modules, thermal storage and power converters, among others. The business cases and scaling strategy after the project will be studied in order to achieve a future commercial deployment.

The production of hydrogen with this technology is more efficient than with current more developed technologies, so electricity consumption is reduced and, with it, the final cost of production of green hydrogen




Research into cutting-edge technologies to achieve optimized and safe hydrogen management solutions in the fields of strategic project analysis, hydrogen generation from renewable energies, transport and storage of H2 using gas infrastructure, the use in industrial environments and the use of hydrogen in means of transport.


We lead a consortium made up of seven companies and almost ten public research organisations, technology centres and universities.


In the Hystorenew project we are considering:

  • H2 storage as an energy vector.
  • Exploration of H2 storage techniques and locations
  • Injection of renewable H2 into the industrial natural gas network
  • H2 consumption in industrial and transport applications
  • Recovery and use of O2
  • Digitalization of the process to improve efficiency and integration of the value chain and safety